Check out my latest projects
If you're looking for a frontend engineer to transform your vision into precise code implementation, or need a technical partner to drive your business growth through cutting-edge web technologies, I'm here to create smooth interactive experiences for your users.

React 18 + TypeScript + Vite + React Router + Ant Design + TailwindCSS + Axios + i18next + ESLint
OnePort Website
Website | Development & Deployment

Vue 3 + Vite + Element Plus + TailwindCSS + Vue Router + Vue I18n + ECharts + Axios
ForthTech Website
Website | Development & Deployment

React 18 + TypeScript + Vite + Ant Design + TailwindCSS + React Router + i18next + Axios + Google 2FA
OnePort TenantManagement
Admin Panel | Development & Deployment

React 18 + TypeScript + Vite + Mobx + Ant Design + TailwindCSS + Web3 + Ethers + ECharts
DApp Project
DApp | Development & Deployment

Vue 2 + Element UI + Web3 + Ethers + Web3-Onboard + Uniswap SDK + Aave SDK
DeFi | Frontend Development

React 18 + TypeScript + Vite + Mobx + Ant Design + TailwindCSS + Web3 + Ethers + Uniswap SDK + Web3-Onboard
DeFi Project
DeFi Lending | Development & Deployment

Electron+Vite+Vue3+Ts+Axios +Pinia+Naive +Tailwind+Socket+Udp+Node
MOF Software Desktop
Desktop App | Development & Deployment

React+Vite+Ts+Axios +Mobx+React-Router+Antd +Tailwind
Management Platform | Development & Deployment